- 2021: Relation of ACE corneal imaging and other ocular biometers
- 2020: IOL power calculation in different biometers
- 2019: Biomechanical IOP and relation to some anterior segment parameters
- 2018: Data mining from Corvis, Optovue OCT, Pentacam to introduce a new Algorithm to detect Keratoconus patients in keratorefractive candidate
- 2018: Genetic Assay in Keratoconus Patients
- 2018: Angle kappa and post elevation
- 2017: New Pentacam Pachymetric Index to detect Possible Keratoconus Patients
- 2015: New technique of Femto-assisted intrastromal keratoplasty for hyperopia
- 2015: New technique of Femto-assisted Intrastromal keratoplasty for keratoconus Patients
- 2013: Corneal wavefront analysis in normal and ecstatic corneal disorders
- 2012: Nomogram for Femtosecond Astigmatic Keratotomy
- 2011: Corneal biomechanical studies using ORA and Corvis
- 2010: Results of Femtosecond Enable Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty in Different Corneal Disorders using Melles technique
- 2009: Results of Toric IOLs and Multifocal IOLs
- 2006: Results of Collagen Cross linkage in ecstatic corneal disorders
- 2005: Phakic IOL survey
- 2005: Intracorneal ring in different corneal ecstatic disorders
- 2004: Corneal imaging studies
- 2002: Large scale of Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty in different Corneal disorders using Melles technique